Executive and High-Volume Recruiting
We Deliver Top Talents On-Time, Using Our Comprehensive Recruiting Process.
Executive and High-Volume Recruiting
Our Executive Search team has sourced and placed leaders across a wide spectrum of functions and industry sectors. Our knowledge and experience, honed over 10 years, enable our Executive Search team, to understand our clients’ specific requirements. Thereby ensuring that our Executive Search process uncovers the best people to deliver our clients’ strategies.
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Executive Recruiting
To fill leadership and hard-to-fill roles, Caribbean HR Solutions performs targeted recruitment and search services on contract upon request. We know it is hard to find right-fit leaders who will complement your organizational culture. We have helped many companies fill those hard-to-fill positions, so that they can focus more on their core functions.
Our Executive recruiters have solid experience sourcing for a variety of industries, and have filled positions for both local and overseas companies. We take the hassle of locating these professionals using our tried and proven headhunting methods to ensure that you have high specialized and/or skilled personnel within your organization. We use the latest technologies in skills and psychometric assessments so you can base your hiring decisions on objective data.
Our process includes:
- Credible, market-based compensation advice
- A customized database of applicants via applicant tracking system for future hiring campaigns
- Targeted methods to approach both job-seekers and passive candidates
- Psychometric, Leadership & Skills assessments via our Computer-based lab and via remote e-access
- Immediate access to our growing talent network
From assisting you to develop job descriptions to providing customized advice on compensation packages, Caribbean HR Solutions provides a customized solution to ensure you hire the best talent available in the shortest time.
Sample Of Roles We Have Filled:
Applicants in Database
People Placed
Net Promoter Score (%)
What Clients Say:
Recruiting Process
Additional Features
Video Interviews
Compensation Advice based on real time market data
Candidate Replacement Guarantee
High Volume Recruiting
High Volume Recruiting
We apply a robust recruitment process to filling client open job requisitions via our recruiting centre. Industry-leading technical solutions are implemented to both improve the quality of candidates selected as well as improve efficiency in supporting fast ramp targets. Caribbean HR Solutions also manages online and print media ads to ensure regional ‘reach’ so the best talent is recruited from across the Caribbean. Our psychometric assessments and testing centers ensures that only candidates with the right skills and personalities are selected. In-depth interviews based on your job profiles are conducted in our center or at your site. Reference checks are completed and form part of the New Hire file for all hired staff. Security, credit, and drug screens are also made available.
Benefits Include
- Improved quality of candidates for sales, customer service, line staff and leadership positions
- Sustained number of new recruits per month
- The liberation of your current internal recruiting resources so you can focus on your core business
- Ability to leverage Caribbean HR Solutions’ multiple office sites for island-wide recruiting reach
- The ability to leverage the same technical selection platforms across other locations and countries quickly and, at minimal costs.
Exposure to multiple recruiting tools/platforms:
Why Choose Us:
- Our Clients trust us to find the best talent and repeatedly use our services time and time again.
- We can reach the candidates that you cannot. Our recruiters develop relationships with talented candidates, have deep networks and great skills in the craft of recruitment.
- We have highly qualified and experienced Recruiters using the latest digital methods of sourcing candidates.
- We continue to invest in new technologies s that allows us to access unique candidates.
- We listen, understand and advise.