Doing a video Interview? Here are some tips for a successful interview?

Doing a video Interview? Here are some tips for a successful interview?

Video interviews are very convenient for both the recruiters and candidates and as such are being used more often in the recruiting process. They save time and money as they the candidates are able to do at their own leisure as well as the recruiter is able to review. For more benefits on using video interview, you can read our previous article here. As a candidate if you have not yet done a video interview it is quite likely that you will have to do one soon. Here are four tips to consider while doing the video interview:


  • Choose a location that is free from distractions. You and what you are saying should be the focal point of the interview. You do not want your potential employer to be distracted by what is happening behind you that they miss what you are saying. Also choose and area that is noise-free so that you are heard clearly. If possible sit behind a clear background and remove all pictures and posters and any clutter that is around you.


  • Ensure that the area has proper lighting. The interviewer should be able to see your face clearly. If you are unsure about the lighting of the area do a test video prior to starting the interview. Ensure that their light is not casting any shadows which can be unflattering on your face.


  • Dress professionally. Do not yield to the urge of only putting on a professional top. For you video dress similar to how you if your wear doing a in-person interview. To ensure that you look you best on the camera go for softer colors as opposed to bright colors and patterns.


  • Maintain eye contact. This is important when conducting an in-person interview as well as a video interview. You want to ensure that your camera is positioned at eye-level, this will allow to focus on the camera and maintain that eye-contact. You do not want the camera to position above or below you as it can provide an angle of looking up your nose or looking down at you.


Apply these tips for your next video interview and Good Luck.

